Ethos Statement
The Manor Academy has the highest expectations of every student, in their attitude, their work and their conduct. We expect all students to follow and demonstrate our values at all times, allowing students to learn and teachers to teach in all lessons. We encourage children to behave in a calm and responsible manner around the site, to be ready to learn and show respect for staff and their peers. A high standard of student conduct allows everyone to fulfil their potential. We endeavour to work in partnership with families to ensure children have high expectations of themselves every day.
Recognition and Consequences
The Academy’s recognition systems are fundamental to our behaviour for learning approach. Our aim is to build a culture of positivity where successes, large and small, are recognised and celebrated. This is done through:
- Regular verbal praise from staff.
- Achievement points awarded for positive learning behaviours and conduct that can be as viewed via the School Gateway app.
- Weekly letters and postcards home to recognise student efforts.
- Termly celebration assemblies with awarding of badges, certificates and prizes.
- Half-termly excellence weeks where students earn physical tokens for following the Academy values.
- Other regular reward events.
- An annual celebration evening.
It is important that students understand that poor conduct and behaviour is unacceptable and there are consequences in place to ensure that such behaviour is discouraged. Rewards and sanctions are fairly and consistently applied by staff, however we recognise that the application of rewards and consequences must have regard for the individual situation.
Restorative Practice
The Manor Academy believes in a restorative approach to behaviour practice and where a consequence is put in place or a relationship has broken down, restorative conversations / meetings will be held to try to educate the student on their behaviour and to try to minimise the risk of a repeated incident. Restorative conversations include the questions: What happened? Why did it happen? How has it affected you? How has it affected others? How can we put it right?
Please click here for our policies