Manor Academy recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of its students and ensures that relevant and effective safeguarding practices exist and are actively promoted within the Academy. Where concerns are raised about students’ safety or well-being we will do our best to help and support them, but there might be situations where we may need to pass these concerns onto the local Children’s Services Department and appropriate external agencies for consideration and support. 

We are all governed by the DFE document: Keeping children safe in education – Statutory guidance for schools and colleges.
This document contains information on what schools and colleges should do and sets out the legal duties with which schools and colleges must comply in order to keep children safe. 

If you are concerned about the safeguarding of any students within the academy you should report this to: 

Mr Cooper – Senior Designated Lead Safeguarding –

The other trained safeguarding officers within the academy are: 

Mrs K Kerry (Headteacher)
Mrs L Meredith (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mrs N Richards (Deputy Safeguarding Officer)
Miss E Rawson (Associate Assistant Headteacher)
Miss C Evans (Alternative Provision Coordinator)

If you have an allegation against any member of staff, this should be reported directly to Mrs Kerry ( 

Furthermore, if you have any safeguarding concerns you wish to report please email: 

Please click here for our policies   

Useful Links

CASY Counselling

Parents/carers in Nottinghamshire can request support from Counselling and Support for Young People (CASY). CASY is a free service in Nottinghamshire for 6-25 year olds.

Kooth – Online Counselling

This is a free counselling service which is accessible to young people aged 11-25 living within Nottinghamshire. This can be accessed via any device as it is an online service and, as it has similarities to online chat, many young people have found this a good way to gain professional support from trained counsellors.

Healthy Family Team (formerly the school nursing team)

For helpful and confidential advice, young people aged between 11-19 can text their Public Health Practitioner (school nurse) on 07507 329952.

Young Minds

A website offering help and guidance to young people with a variety of mental health concerns. There is also a helpline for parents to call if you are worried or need help/advice – 0808 8025544.


Stem4 is a teenage mental health charity aimed at improving teenage mental health by addressing commonly occurring mental health issues at an early stage.