23. Imagineer
Unleash your creativity and technical skills by embarking on a project that fuses the precision of engineering with the expressive power of art. This project challenges you to create a unique piece that showcases your ability to blend these two disciplines in a way that is innovative, functional, and visually stunning.
Ideas might include building a den, a soapbox racer, send a camera to space, paint a mural, coding, upcycle something you wear, something that moves or something at home, basket making, woodturning, pottery, or embroidery on plastic canvas.
Complete the application form Imagineer Project Application Form and send to martin.evans@manor.ttct.co.uk
27. Set up a 10X DIY business
The 10X DIY Project by Young Enterprise empowers young individuals by fostering entrepreneurial skills through hands-on experience. Participants are challenged to conceive, plan, and execute a DIY business project aimed at making a significant impact or generating value. You will develop an entrepreneurial mindset, conduct market research, create business plans, and implement your ideas, learning essential skills such as budgeting, pricing, and marketing along the way.
Through reflection and evaluation, participants refine your projects and showcase them to peers and educators, gaining feedback and recognition. The project aims to cultivate creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and resilience among youth, preparing them for future entrepreneurial endeavours and fostering a culture of innovation and initiative. After you have applied you will receive £10 to start or project (this will need to be paid back following your successes!).
Complete the application form 10x DIY Application Form and send to martin.evans@manor.ttct.co.uk
39. Become a Manor Mental Health First Aid Ambassador
Ever wanted to make a real difference in your friends’ and family’s lives? By becoming a Manor Mental Health First Aid Ambassador, you can do just that! This award is for those who want to learn how to support others, understand mental health issues, and spread positivity. It’s your chance to be a hero, offering a helping hand and a listening ear. Join us in this amazing initiative and be the person everyone can rely on. Let’s create a supportive and caring community together!
Complete the booklet Manor Mental Health First Aid Ambassador and send to martin.evans@manor.ttct.co.uk
When you have completed a step, print the evidence or email theclimb@manor.ttct.co.uk. Any other questions please email martin.evans@manor.ttct.co.uk or martin.cooper@manor.ttct.co.uk