Skills in literacy are some of the most important lessons that schools can impart on students. Literacy skills are integral not just to our English curriculum, but all subjects including Maths and Science as well as Humanities and Creative subjects.

The introduction of Literacy Interventions means that when a teacher at Manor Academy identifies a student in need of support with literacy skills, they can quickly offer support in the form of a specialised 10 week program, led by dedicated reading assistants, Miss Miller and Mrs Barton. The course focuses on the strengthening of students’ reading, comprehension and oracy skills during one hour weekly sessions in small groups.

The first round of Literacy Interventions for the academic year have recently concluded with extremely positive results! The Year 7 cohort making massive improvements, matched by Year 8 students bring up their collective reading ages by over 40 years as well as Year 9 totalling an incredible 60 years!

Well done to Miss Miller and Mrs Barton for your incredible commitment to our students and their continued improvement.

Well done also to all students that took part in this challenging but rewarding course and for committing to improving valuable skills, which are certain to be an asset in your current studies, as well as in later life.