Work For Strike Day 3 15th March 2023
Please see below for the work we would like your child to complete whilst they are at home.
English Years 8 & 9
Write a poem of your choice. Go to BBC Bitesize for some help to write either a rhyming poem, slam/spoken word poem or your own style (using a model from Wilfred Owen). This is the link:
English Year 10
Write or analyse a poem of your choice. You can either visit BBC Bitesize to read some examples of poetry or focus on analysing one using the link here:
You study AQA exam board, so any work on this will be useful for you. Alternatively visit GCSE Pod (log in via your school Microsoft account) to find some great Pods on poetry (in the English Literature section).
Science Years 8/9/10
Students in years 8-10 can log onto and complete the purple self-quizzes on biology, chemistry and physics. Each student has their own log-in which they regularly use.
All students have a login, and the work is tailored to their current position. The website address is below:
Please see the link for all years to access a ‘Joe Wicks’ Workout’: